good morning blogging peeps.................i hope everyone has had a wonderful week, we sure have here in western Pa. it has been beautiful here, i've been working out in my flower garden with my little helper Bree, lol....well, she played more than helped!!!! lol...i have a few pics to show you of some displays that i have done. there will be many, many more so stay tuned!!!! lol....

i also wanted to show what my hubby got some of you it'll just be "junk", but to me it's "heaven"!!!! lol...can you tell i L♥VE "junk"!!!! i have the most wonderful, loving husband a girl could ask for. he loves to help me with my crafts for my shop, he builds all kinds of things and never says a word. heck, he loves to go "junkin" with me too!!!!!! LOL... he's also a wonderful you dear...ok, enough with the mushy stuff, lol, onto pics....

these are pics of my JUNK STASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol...i have a few more outside pics too, the date is screwed up on my camara so excuse the date.....

thanks for stopping and taking a peek, until next thyme....BIG prim hugs, amy♥